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Offices for Rent in Admiralty

Lippo Centre, Tower 1

89 Queensway Hong Kong
$39.00 - $48.00 per sq ft
Asking Rent HK$ per sq ft Disclaimer

Units available: 2,100 - 4,455 sq ft

Service Charge (HK$): 7.50 per sq ft

Efficiency Rate : 70 %


Year of completion:
Building height:
42 storeys
Typical size floor plate:
10,000 sq ft
Strata Titled
On-site car parking:
Typical Interior Commercial space in Lippo Centre, Tower 1 - Admiralty
Office to rent in Lippo Centre, Tower 1 - Admiralty
Lease offices in Lippo Centre, Tower 1 - Admiralty
Commercial property Lippo Centre, Tower 1 - Admiralty

Commercial space in Lippo Centre, Tower 1 - Admiralty
Office to rent in Lippo Centre, Tower 1 - Admiralty
Lease offices in Lippo Centre, Tower 1 - Admiralty
$39.00 - $48.00 per sq ft
Asking Rent HK$ per sq ft Disclaimer

Units available: 2,100 - 4,455 sq ft

Service Charge (HK$): 7.50 per sq ft

Efficiency Rate : 70 %


Year of completion:
Building height:
42 storeys
Typical size floor plate:
10,000 sq ft
Strata Titled
On-site car parking:

Typical Floorplan

Floorplan Lippo Centre, Tower 1


24 passenger lifts with a Central Service Core
Under floor trunking
Floor to ceiling height 2.4m
AC Supply Hours: 8.00am - 7.00pm Mon - Fri
AC Supply Hours: 8.00am - 2.00pm Saturdays

Current Occupiers Include

Shimao International Holdings Limited, Sunwah Kingsway Capital Holdings Limited, Spanish Trade Commission, Tanner De Witt Solicitors

3 units available

sq ft

/ Bare

Asking Rate

Date of

Gross Rental per month
HK$ / Negotiable

2,100 Fitted $39.00 psf Immediate $81,900
2,926 Bare $48.00 psf Immediate $140,448
4,455 Fitted $39.00 psf Immediate $173,745

Description of Lippo Centre, Tower 1 - Office Space Rental

Good quality offices for rent in Admiralty / Hong Kong CBD

The scheme comprises a twin tower complex built in 1987. Tower 1 is a 45-storey office building with average floor sizes from 10,000 to15,000 sq ft with 70% efficiency gross to net area. There are 12 passenger lifts. Air-con hours are from 8. 00am to 7. 00pm Mon - Fri and 8. 00am to 2. 00pm Sat. Ownership is strata titled.

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We cover all office buildings including:

Admiralty Centre, Tower 1, Bank of America Tower, Fairmont House, Far East Finance Centre, Lippo Centre, Tower 2, United Centre

100 Queen's Road Central, 128 Wellington Street, 1 Duddell Street, 33 Des Voeux Road Central, 35 Queen's Road Central, 8 Lyndhurst Terrace, 8 Wyndham Street, 9 Queen's Road Central, Abdoolally House, Asia Standard Tower, Baskerville House, Beautiful Group Tower, BOC Group Life Assurance Tower, Canton House, Central 88, China Building, Chinachem Hollywood Centre, China Insurance Group Building, Chuang's Tower, Club Lusitano Building, Crawford House, Dah Sing Life Building, Dina House, Ruttonjee Centre, Duke of Wellington House, E168 , Emperor Commercial Centre, EuBank Plaza, Euro Trade Centre, Hing Wai Building, Hip Shing Hong Centre

Wan Chai
208 Johnston Road, 369 Hennessy Road, 3 Lockhart Road, 80 Gloucester Road, 88 Gloucester Road, Allied Kajima Building, Beverly House, C.C. Wu Building, Central Plaza, Centre Point, Chinachem Century Tower, Chinachem Johnston Plaza, China Hong Kong Tower, China Overseas Building, China Resources Building, Chung Nam Building, CKK Commercial Centre, Dah Sing Financial Centre, East Town Building, Everbright Centre, Five Pacific Place, Great Eagle Centre, Guardian House, Harbour Centre, Harcourt House, Hopewell Centre, iHome Centre, Jubilee Centre, Keen Hung Commercial Building, Luk Kwok Centre

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To request further information or arrange a viewing :

Eddie Chan
Eddie Chan
T  +852 3752 3031
M +852 6620 1719

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