How it works

The commission we pay for successful referrals is based on 15% of our commission, which is normally one month's gross rent.

Outlined below is a table of sample monthly rents, and the corresponding 15% commission.

Monthly Rental Typical Referral Fee*
HK$60,000 HK$9,000
HK$150,000 HK$22,500
HK$225,000 HK$33,750

*where standard one month commission is paid

Got a Lead?

If you have a lead simply email us, use the form below or call +852 3752 3031.
We will reply as soon as we receive your message.

Doesn’t need to be a formal introduction
Just a name will do

*Required field
[email protected]


We will confirm your referral acceptance within 24 hours.

Referral fees are paid on all deals we successfully conclude, and are paid in cash (from whatever commission we receive) - within one week of our account being settled. This is typically 9 - 12 months.

Terms & Conditions

  • Must be an independent third party referral ie. arms-length referral, it can’t be your current employer.
  • Must be a company we are not already servicing. We want to pay referral fees to encourage more business introductions, so it is in our interest to pay you a referral when we can.
  • Minimum size is 1,000 sq ft net area.

For further information or to make an introduction:

Eddie Chan
Eddie Chan
T +852 3752 3031

No agent fees payable by tenants